Why Chemical Peels Are an Effective Acne Treatment
Although acne is most common during the teenage years, it can continue well into adulthood and this frustrating condition can have a real impact on your confidence. Luckily, there are a number of specific skin treatments available which can treat acne congestion and scarring. Chemical peels are an effective option if you suffer from mild to moderate acne and works well in conjunction with other treatments.
What is a chemical peel?
A chemical peel works by applying an exfoliating solution consisting of mild acids and enzymes to the face to penetrate the skin. There are a number of different strengths you can opt for with your peels which will determine how deeply the skin is penetrated, with superficial, medium and deep peels available. Chemical peels can be used to treat a number of conditions including premature ageing, fine lines, dehydration, sun damage and uneven skin texture, along with mild to moderate acne.
Although acne is most common during the teenage years, it can continue well into adulthood and this frustrating condition can have a real impact on your confidence. Luckily, there are a number of specific skin treatments available which can treat acne congestion and scarring. Chemical peels are an effective option if you suffer from mild to moderate acne and works well in conjunction with other treatments.
How does a chemical peel work as an acne treatment?
Chemical peels are a great option for acne sufferers as the solution penetrates deep into the pores to clear out congestion and impurities, such as dead skin cells and oil. The peel can also help to reduce inflammation and neutralise the bacteria which is involved in the formation of acne. The exfoliating effect that comes from undergoing a chemical peel can help to reduce the look of acne blemishes and fade scars.
If you have mild to moderate comadonal acne (characterised by black heads and white heads) or inflammatory acne (characterised by pimples and cysts), then you may want to consider giving a chemical peel a try. Individuals who suffer from severe or very active acne may not be suitable for a chemical peel – your dermal clinician will be able to advise you.
What can I expect afterwards?
The recovery after a chemical peel will depend entirely on the strength of the solution used during treatment. Common side effects can include flaking, redness, temporary sensitivity and dryness but you may experience none of these if you’re being treated with a very mild peel solution. For more intense chemical peels, it can take longer for your skin to recover and you may experience some swelling and discomfort. Your dermal clinician will be able to talk you through what you can expect after your peel so there are no surprises.
If you’re looking for a skin specialist to help address your acne, the friendly dermal clinicians at St.Skin can help. We can offer you a consultation where we assess your skin and make individualised recommendations to target your areas of concern. We offer a range of skin treatments and provide all our clients with the highest standard of care.
For professional acne treatment Melbourne, contact St.Skin today on (03) 9614 0400.