Express LED Service


Can you transform the health of your face in only 9 minutes?
With our Express LED service, it’s possible to strengthen the skin and enjoy a relaxing moment to yourself.

Life is busy. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to efficiently nurture the skin you deserve. This effective, clinically proven express treatment uses beneficial Healite II technology to specifically soothe, heal and rejuvenate your skin in as little as 9 to 22 minutes, under the supervision of a St. Skin specialist.


Choose the LED treatment to best suit your skin:

Blue: The acne-fighting light. This treatment creates an inhospitable environment for blemishes. Acne is no longer welcome here.

Red: The rejuvenating light. A treatment which promotes the production of collagen, leading to more youthful looking skin.

Infrared: The healing light. The all-rounder for every face. This treatment regenerates tissue and is particularly soothing for injuries, eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.


Different treatments can be combined and the best results come from repeat sessions.

Post-treatment we provide a serum, sunscreen, mirror and basin – all the essentials to get you ready to face the world!